We are excited to have you as a new patient in our office. Here is what you can expect:
The first visit is the Consultation Visit.
It is completely free of charge, and there will be no pressure to start treatment. The purpose of the consultation visit is to diagnose the orthodontic problem, offer the likely solution and treatment options, and discuss fees, insurance, and financing options.
If limited treatment is necessary you will be scheduled for appliance placement at your next appointment.
If comprehensive treatment is necessary (full braces) you will be scheduled for a Records appointment.
At the records appointment photos and models of the teeth are made, as well as necessary x-rays and a comprehensive oral examination.
At the Case Presentation appointment the details of treatment will be discussed in depth using 3D models of the teeth and other diagnostic software.
Any further questions about orthodontic treatment can then be answered.
Separators (spacers) are usually placed at this appointment to prepare for the bonding appointment.
The Bonding Appointment usually takes places about a week following the placement of separators.
Brackets and wires will be placed at this visit.
Specific instructions regarding the care of your teeth and the braces are given at this time.
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